Got question?? we have answers!
What is Taxi Mom®?
A flexible subscription-based, door-to-door school transportation service tailored to your family’s needs! Register your child for availability in your area!
What makes Taxi Mom® different then using an Uber or Lyft?
Taxi Mom® is a subscription-based, kid-friendly service providing long-term relationships with a 75% return rate. Uber & Lyft are as-needed services for 18yrs and older. Taxi Mom® provides the same driver day after day, whereas with Uber & Lyft; you don’t know what driver you’re going to get.
How long has Taxi Mom been around?
Taxi Mom has been in business since 2004. You can click on our About page to learn more about our story.
Is Taxi Mom safe?
Taxi Mom provides peace of mind for our parents and as a mother, it is important that we perform an extensive background check on all of our drivers which includes criminal background checks as well as the motor vehicle check. We have a ZERO TOLERANCE POLICY in our van that allows us to advocate for equality and unit with our communities to ensure all kids are given a safe environment to grow up in.
What area's does Taxi Mom service?
We currently service Richardson, Plano, Garland, McKinney, Forney, Rockwall-Heath, Prosper, Celina, Frisco, Wylie, Anna, Melissa, Waco ISD’s along with charter and private schools in the North Dallas area. We are now in Houston, Texas and service Conroe & Spring areas . Please click on your District to see a list of the schools.
I don't see my school, how can I be added to your service?
When registering online, choose your district and click on I Don’t See My School if it’s a district we cover, if you don’t see your district simply click on Suggest School; we will add you to our wait list. When we open a new area, it will be posted on our website and Facebook page. The wait time can be a semester or full school year before we can add you on.
What happens when you are full?
Taxi Mom tries to help as many families as possible but once we are full we can not accept any more kids. A waiting list will be created for the school in need and you will be contacted once someone leaves. The waitlist can vary depending on the school. It can be days or the entire school year.
How much do you charge and do you offer sibling discounts?
Click on the individual district page and use our calculator for an estimate of up to 5 miles. Special rates apply for longer distances. The sibling discount is 50% off the regular rate, per sibling.
Is there an application fee?
For brand new families, we charge a $50 registration fee. For returning families there is a reservation fee at the end of the year for returning students only. This fee guarantee’s your child’s seat for the following year. Keep up to date with the latest promotions on registration fees by following our social media channels.
Is a contract required?
No contract is required. Once you have determined if you are going to use our service and you have not registered online, we will ask you to register your child. You must agree to our policy to begin service.
What is commitment pricing?
Our new commitment pricing structure is designed to maximize savings for families who opt for either the 5 or 10-month plan. It’s important to note that with this option, monthly payments are required.
Note: not all of our locations participate in this program.
How does my student identify you or your driver if we choose not to meet you?
Our passenger vans are wrapped vehicles and our SUV’s are either wrapped or magnetics are on the side of the door. If your child is in elementary, each school has a procedure to gather the children in the gym or cafeteria to be released in the bus/daycare lines. It is your responsibility to notify the elementary school that your child is riding with Taxi Mom. You can download our mobile app for notifications and tracking.
Can I ride only one or two days?
Yes, we offer daily rates. As long as we have available seats, we can help. Note: consistent daily riders will be charged whether they ride or not due to seat restrictions.
Do you charge for holidays, unforeseen events, fall breaks, and days my student does not ride?
Yes, we charge 100% for the Thanksgiving break and Spring break. All weeks including the winter holiday will be charged at 50%. **Note: this also applies to our consistent daily riders.
Why do you charge for the holidays, unforeseen events, fall breaks, and when my kid is not riding?
As a small business owner, it is our duty to provide excellent service to you and your family as well as promote loyalty within our organization. Our employees are given paid vacations for their reliability and hard work. Our operation costs have increased especially our commercial insurance. This is a part of our policy, please read when registering online.
How do I pay my bill?
Once registered and the invitation is accepted, you will have access to our portal. You can choose your payment method as recurring or one-time (which means manual pay; the system will automatically create invoices.)
Recurring is auto-draft and the discounted rate will adjust based on your selection of weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly.
One-time is a recurring invoice that must be paid via the parent portal or mobile app and your quoted invitational price will take affect based on your selection of weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly. By choosing One-time, you will be required to log into the parent portal or mobile app to pay your bill based on your selection of weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly.
Taxi Mom will no longer send out invoices. It is your responsibility to pay on time to avoid late fees. We still accept cash, money order, or check made payable to Taxi Mom. **Note: we bill Monday – Friday only!) no exceptions. If your start date begins mid-week, we will charge you a daily rate or weekly rate whichever is the least expensive.
Can I cancel at anytime?
Yes, with a 30 day notification in writing. If you cancel suddenly, a $75 termination fee along with one week’s tuition will be drafted or invoiced based on your selection during the registration.
For commitment plans; it is required to give a 30 day notice. If you cancel suddenly without notice, the termination fee is $250.
Do you refund for paid weeks due to inclement weather?
No. Refunds will not be provided for absences, holidays, inclement weather, or school closings. Taxi Mom does not operate when schools are closed due to inclement weather. We follow all serviced district’s schedules. Each location has the right to charge for the full week or ½ of the weekly tuition depending on the circumstances. Should inclement weather close a district down for a full week or longer, this circumstance shall fall into our Unforeseen Event policy of 50% off.
What safety measures do you have since the Pandemic outbreak?
Several measures have been adopted since April 1, 2020. All vehicles are equipped with hand sanitizer, Lysol, surgical masks, tissues, and thermometers. All of our drivers are trained to disinfect the vehicles twice per day.
**Note: if your child is running a fever, we won’t transport them. You will be notified immediately.
I don't need you daily, how can I ride if there is an emergency?
You must register online and notate your request with the actual dates you need in our Notes section of the registration. If we have the space, we will be happy to help.
How can I register for service?
Simply click on the Registration tab to sign up. When registering, you will be prompted to choose the District and locate your school. There are two sections to fill out in the registration. The client is the parent that is responsible for paying the bill. Passenger is the student information. Submit to complete. Once we receive the detailed request, we will send you an invitation with a quote, user name, and temporary password with an option to “Accept” or “Decline”. If you choose “Accept”, you will have access to our portal with your payment options to complete the registration and your child will be assigned and added to our route system. You will have access to all of this information in your portal. If you choose “Decline”, nothing else will be needed and we wish you the best of luck.
**Note: based on the location the invitation can expire 1-10 days from the day it goes out. Please call the office to re-activate the invitation.